21 Apr 2014

Project 52 - 16/52

I know I've been a bit rubbish at posting anything other than these posts at the moment. There seems to be so much going on but not much to write about!

This weekend was Easter and we have had such a good weekend. I thought it was going to be jam packed from start to finish, but it ended up only half full and that was greatly needed! We got to see a lot of lovely people, eat lots of food and drink lots of wine. I did spend most of Sunday feeling rough though, I was worried I had mastitis but today I have been fine so maybe not!

I think maybe....... it was fear of going for a run again!!!! I took up running this week as a nice free way to get in better shape, but after a going out on Friday and Saturday I hurt so much I'm not looking forward to another one. I may go out tonight, but Thomas needs to go for a run too. If there's only time for one of us to go he gets dibs. He is training for a half marathon after all.*

So, this weeks photos. It was Easter after all so Noah's photo is with the egg we got him. We all got a pretty amazing Easter egg haul to be honest! Then I felt a bit daft for buying him one as well! He was pretty pleased though, as you can see!

Judah is just a bundle of smiles! He loves to interact with people and it's so easy to get him smiling and giggling! I know once he's better at keeping his eyes focused he will find Noah hilarious. In fact just saying Noah's name makes him giggle. For now though, Noah doesn't have the patience to get Judah looking at him to make him laugh!

So onto another week. Tomorrow being a working day sucks. We will miss Mr Green greatly. Four whole days has been a real treat. I think maybe it's time he booked some holiday.....

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