20 Jul 2014

Mum's List 1

I have decided to take part in a link up with Hannah from Mums' Days. Every week she gets bloggers to post about their week as a little summary. I thought this would be beneficial on two counts; firstly it lets you the reader know how I pass my time and makes sure I fill you in on all the developments in our lives when they happen, but also to make contact with other bloggers and build my readers.

So a Mum's list will include:

  • What we have been up to this week as a family
  • Things that are occurring on the blog and in other social media
  • Articles I have enjoyed reading this week
  • Sounding out any ideas I have had

My aim will be to have this go up every Sunday evening. That will make 3 schedules posts every week - Mum's list, Noah says and Project 52. Along with this there will be monthly Right Now I'm Loving and the odd review chucked in here and there. How does that sound to keep me busy writing and you busy reading?!

So lets begin:

Real Life

  • The week started  a bit wrong as Noah went down with a tummy bug on Sunday night, so Monday he was feeling quite sorry for himself. He hasn't been properly back on form all week, has been in our room at night quite a lot (as you can see in the picture at the top) and so he is tired. He's also really clingy with me at the moment.
  • We have finally got a quote we like for having some alterations done on our kitchen/dining room. I'm looking forward to it becoming a more functional space and getting to redecorate. It feels like we are starting to make our home our own a bit more. There's a lot that needs doing around the house but Thomas is somewhat reluctant to do it when there are small people still around, I would rather have it look nice now and redo it when they're bigger! I guess I am in the house more which is why it bothers me more.
  • Judah is commando crawling all over now, he got up on elbows and knees on Friday and had a go at crawling. Just one little lunge forward. I'm fairly certain he would have the hang of it though if I let him practice more. I'm not practiced at spotting baby dangers again so I've just been putting him in a travel cot so I know he's safe! 
  • Thomas did a special shift with another team as some extra training and they were really keen on him applying for a job that is coming up soon. He's not 100% if he wants to go for it, but I think a change would do him good. He's definitely not very happy in his current job, but the NHS doesn't seem the happiest place to work at the moment anywhere!
  • I've had a fairly negative week with regards to the little project I keep alluding to. This means it will be even longer before I can actually talk about it! Also means I am a little more nervous about my fast approaching end of maternity leave!


  • This week has been the week for Instagram, I've got quite a few new fellow mummy blog followers on there so hello to you all. 
  • When I first joined Bloglovin I got a few new followers a week, this has pretty much tapered off now. So please follow me there if you enjoy reading.
  • Twitter is usually one or two new followers a week, not often real people to talk to though. That being said I'm not very good at using it!


  • I've been slowly working on giving my blog a makeover - this week I saw some mock ups of a new logo to give me a little branding. All very exciting.
  • Currently the my posts get about 70 views counted through blogger. I think a lot of those are my Facebook friends. Thank you everyone for all your support so far.

  • I enjoyed reading this post Redefining Motherhood on Evidence Based Tits and Teeth. I have a lot of difficulty believing I'm a good mum and as much as I love reading about parenting on the internet, it can definitely be detrimental when you know you don't manage to do everything that is 'right' for your children. I'm still a long way from believing I'm a good mum, but reading that article definitely made a little breakthrough! 

Mums' Days
- See more at: http://mumsdays.com/mums-list-week-1/#sthash.bb1A6Oxg.dpuf

1 comment:

  1. Hi Becca! Welcome aboard the #MumsList linky :) I'm very pleased to have you joining it! You seem to have this blogging lark all mapped out - which is good, as apparently consistency is key (something I'm not good at!). If it makes you feel any better, I don't get twitter either but it comes with time. I always say stick with one social media tool until you feel like you've mastered it and then move on. I never seem to get to twitter though…I'm trying to be better though, even a few minutes reading and engaging with what people are saying in your feed has been enough to help me get more out of it!

    Good luck with your project…I WANT TO KNOW WHAT IT IS!! ha, I"m dead nosey ;) Thanks again for joining in and I look forward to following more of your blogging antics xxx
