27 Jul 2014

Mum's List 2

This week has been a complete roller coaster of emotions, being super busy and really relaxed! I'm writing this at the last minute, I had planned to write it in the car this afternoon but I was so tired and feeling grotty anyway, that I didn't want to get travel sick!

Real Life

  • As I will be finishing maternity leave soon, and I struggle getting housework done as it is we decided to take on a cleaner. Monday was her first session and she and her husband did a huge deep clean on the whole house. It took them both 6.5 hours which I was so embarrassed by but they did such a good job. It's already helping us keep things a bit tidier and more ordered which is good. There is so much "stuff" everywhere that needs sorting out though!
  • Monday night Thomas went down with the tummy bug, it seems to have been doing the rounds! Noah had it over a week before him so he must have caught it elsewhere.
  • This however, put a huge spanner in the works as we were heading off to Bournemouth on Wednesday for my middle sister's wedding. Obviously we really didn't want to risk making other people sick at all. So during the day Tuesday I carried on packing with the plan to head down with the boys on my own with Thomas following later. Then my mum said we should all come later in case Judah or I got sick, so I stopped getting things ready. I was so so upset because it was our only real holiday booked this year and I hate missing out on time with my family all together. Then 9pm Tuesday my Dad phoned and said we should book into a hotel for Wednesday night so that we definitely made it down, he was worried if someone else got sick we would struggle to make it at all! So suddenly I had to get packing again with quite a different head on as we wouldn't have kitcheny bits for baby food/bottles!
  • Fortunately, we were all fine and it was actually really nice spending Wedneday and Thursday as just our family unit, we played mini golf and went to the Oceanarium. It was absolutely scorching hot so we just took things really slowly and got to relax. Thursday evening we joined the rest of my family and went out for drink with my sisters, their partners and the best man whilst my parents baby sat.
  • Friday was wedding prep day with the rehearsal and reception decorating so very busy and a tad stressful.
  • It was all worth it though as the day was ridiculously perfect (apart from a slight VW camper mishap). The sun was amazing, everyone was so relaxed. Noah and Judah kept going until 10pm, so we got to really enjoy the whole day. I think I will write a whole post about it in the week once a few more photos start emerging for me to steal! For now here is a little teaser......

  • Today we packed up and came home. Back to the grind, and I'm not looking forward to it to be honest!

Social and Blogging
  • My Instagram followers have continued to grow this week. I think in the past two weeks I have had at least one new mummy blogger follower a day. It's great to start making contact with people, even if it's just looking at each other's photos. My aim for this week is to get commenting on them as well!
  • Twitter followers are up as well I'm at 96, pushing 100 is pretty good considering I barely use it!
  • With such a busy week I have no idea whether I have some good photos for next week's Project 52. I would have loved some wedding ones, but I couldn't handle trying to take photos as well. I knew there would be plenty from other people, so abandoned my camera for the day.
  • As my cousin was at the wedding we got to have an impromptu chat about the website design she is doing for me. I'm really excited about her ideas and looking forward to working with her as she is so passionate about her work. 

I have a lot of blog organising to do this week, which I fully intend to knuckle down and do. Need to catch up on my reading of everyone else's as well!
So here's another little teaser of some wedding pics to send us out.....

Mums' Days
- See more at: http://mumsdays.com/mums-list-getting-running/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=mums-list-getting-running#sthash.qlXkiGwI.dpuf

1 comment:

  1. That looks like THE coolest wedding ever - was the Fonz there too?!

    Looks like such a busy week - bugs and all. We got it here too, well the kids anyway. I'm glad you went down for the wedding anyway that would have properly sucked if you couldn't make it!

    Great to see you're making good progress with the blog stuff too :) oh and we have a cleaner. I think I might actually be in love with her!

